Science by the pint - get your science and drink it too
This post initially appeared on Science Blogs
Local announcement for folks in the Boston area:
Science by the Pint is back in full force for its second season at a new venue, the Tavern in the Square in Porter Square. Science by the Pint is SITN's own science cafe - a fun, informal event where scientists mingle with the general public to talk about their research, why they do it, and how it affects the world. Join us the second Tuesday of each month from 7-9pm.
In our next Science by the Pint, Elizabeth Thomas and her colleagues from Brown University will chat about their work studying climate change in the recent past and present. Join them for some great food and drinks, with a chance to win gift certificate prizes at the end!
It's been said that the best science discussion is always done under the influence of a good diarrhetic diuretic (caffeine and alcohol being the preferred choices). Come on down and join me and my friends from Science in the News at the Tavern a week from tomorrow.
A good time will be had by all.