We, Beasties recovery - Part 2
Hey, it only took me 2 years to get back to this! Let's jump right in.
At the end of the last post, I had downloaded all of the html files from my old blog, We, Beasties, and pulled out the titles, dates, content (including links), and tags.
Now, I'd like to parse those and (crudely) turn them into markdown that can be built by Franklin.jl
Converting html to markdown
I already figured out how to get all of the elements out of the HTML, now it's just a matter of making them into markdown.
Let's review
projectdir = joinpath(pwd(), "_literate", "webeasties")
htmlout = joinpath(projectdir, "html_out/")
AssertionError: sourcepath !== nothing
using EzXML
function gettags(body)
tags = String[]
tagnodes = findall(".//div[@class=\"field--item\"]", body)
for tagnode in tagnodes
a = findfirst("./a[@href]", tagnode)
link = first(attributes(a)).content
m = match(r"^/tag/([\w\-]+)$", link)
isnothing(m) && continue
push!(tags, m.captures[1])
return tags
function getcontent(path)
post = readhtml(path)
doc = root(post)
title = findall("//title", doc) # could have done `findfirst` instead, but then couldn't check if it's unique
length(title) != 1 && error("Expected only 1 title block, got $(length(title)) from $p")
title = first(title) |> nodecontent # get it out of the array
body = findall("//div[@class=\"content\"]", doc)
length(body) != 1 && error("Expected only 1 content block, got $(length(body)) from $path")
body = first(body)
tags = gettags(body)
content = body.content
links = findall(".//a[@href]", body)
imgs = findall(".//img", body)
return (; path, content, title, post, links, tags, imgs)
ArgumentError: Package EzXML [8f5d6c58-4d21-5cfd-889c-e3ad7ee6a615] is required but does not seem to be installed:
- Run `Pkg.instantiate()` to install all recorded dependencies.
paths = readdir(htmlout, join=true)
stuff = getcontent(last(paths))
print(first(stuff.content, 1000), "...")
BoundsError: attempt to access 0-element Array{String,1} at index [0]
first(stuff.links, 4)
UndefVarError: stuff not defined
UndefVarError: stuff not defined
This the last post I made on the blog in 2013. It's got some pictures and a bunch of links, but not much other formatting, so should be pretty straightforward.
The first thing I decided to tackle was how to deal with the links...
Link nodes
Looking inside the contents of each element of links
, it looks like all of the useful info I need is there:
link = stuff.links[2]
UndefVarError: stuff not defined
UndefVarError: attributes not defined
So all I need to do to start building the markdown is to find the text inside stuff.content
, and replace it with a markdown link. Eg, Paul de Kruif's
will become [Paul de Kruif's](http://www.amazon...)
This is easily done with julia's replace()
function make_md_links(content, links)
for lnk in links
repstring = nodecontent(lnk)
link = nodecontent(first(attributes(lnk)))
isempty(repstring) && continue # first link doesn't have anything in it
any(ext -> endswith(link, ext), [".png", ".jpeg", ".jpg"]) && continue # skip images
content = replace(content, repstring=>
string("[", repstring, "](", link, ")"),
return content
linkified = make_md_links(stuff.content, stuff.links)
print(first(linkified, 500), "...")
UndefVarError: stuff not defined
Much harder is dealing with images. When I was blogging back then, I didn't understand the importance (for accessibility) of including link text, so most image links are going to have empty content.
But I don't really need to reproduce these posts exactly, so I settled on just downloading the images (if they exist) and putting them all at the end.
function append_image_links(content, links, imgs)
# don't proceed if there are no image links
if isempty(imgs) && !any(lnk-> any(ext -> endswith(nodecontent(first(attributes(lnk))), ext), [".png", ".jpeg", ".jpg"]), links)
return content
content *= string("\n\n ## Post Images\n\n")
for lnk in links
alttext = nodecontent(lnk)
link = nodecontent(first(attributes(lnk)))
isempty(alttext) && (alttext = string("Image at $link"))
if any(ext -> endswith(link, ext), [".png", ".jpeg", ".jpg"])
targetpath = joinpath("_assets", "img", "webeasties", basename(link))
if !isfile(targetpath) # skip if already downloaded
download(link, targetpath)
@error "Couldn't download $link, skipping"
if !isfile(targetpath)
content *= string("- ", "![", alttext, "](/", targetpath, ")\n")
content *= string("- Missing image: ", alttext, " | ", link, "\n")
for img in imgs
link = findall(".//@src", img) |> first |> nodecontent
alttext = findall(".//@alt", img)
alttext = isempty(alttext) ? "image at $link" : alttext |> first |> nodecontent
if startswith(link, "/files/")
targetpath = joinpath("_assets", "img", "webeasties", basename(link))
if !isfile(targetpath) # skip if already downloaded
download(string("https://scienceblogs.com", link), targetpath)
content *= string("- ", "![", alttext, "](/", targetpath[2:end], ")\n")
return content
append_image_links (generic function with 1 method)
with_images = append_image_links(linkified, stuff.links, stuff.imgs)
print(last(with_images, 300))
UndefVarError: stuff not defined
Saving the markdown
Now I've got the content, it's time to save it. For the purposed of this post, I'll stick it in a temporary directory, but eventually, I want it to go into webeasties/
in the repository for this website so that I can build them with Franklin.
mdoutput = mktempdir()
mdoutput = "webeasties"
isdir(mdoutput) || mkdir(mdoutput)
for p in paths
@info p
post = getcontent(p)
post_text = replace(post.content, r"(\S)\n(\S)"=> s"\1\n\n\2") # replace stand-alone new lines with doubles
post_text = replace(post_text, r"\n+\s{4}Tags\n.+$"s=>"") # replace garbage at the end of each post
post_text = replace(post_text, '$'=> raw"\$") # franklin doesn't like these
post_text = replace(post_text, r"^\s{4,}"=> "") # remove leading spaces
post_text = replace(post_text, r"\n{3,}"s=> "\n\n") # remove anything more than 3 newlines
post_text = make_md_links(post_text, post.links)
post_text = append_image_links(post_text, post.links, post.imgs)
(y, m, d, postfile) = match(r"^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})_(.+)", basename(post.path)).captures
t = replace(post.title, r" \| ScienceBlogs$"=>"")
t = replace(t, '"'=> "'")
outdir = joinpath(mdoutput, y)
isdir(outdir) || mkdir(outdir)
open(joinpath(mdoutput, y, replace(postfile, r"html?$"=>"md")), "w") do io
print(io, """
title = "$t"
pubdate = Date("$y-$m-$d")
tags = $(post.tags)
category = "webeasties"
_This post initially appeared on [Science Blogs](http://scienceblogs.com/webeasties)_
And that's it! You can now see the archive here