Last chance to help out with Movember!

This post initially appeared on Science Blogs

Here it is, the last day of Movember - a charity initiative to raise money for men's health. *1 in 6 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime

*A man is diagnosed with prostate cancer every 2.2 minutes

*1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime

*Men are 24% less likely to go the doctor compared to women

I'm competing with a few friends to grow awesome mustaches and raise money. I knew getting into this that I wouldn't have much of a chance of winning on merit - this is the result after 30 days without shaving:

So, I need your help. Please consider giving a couple bucks - it supports a good cause, and will let me eek a small shred of dignity from my pathetic attempt to grow facial hair.

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